This exercise was done with a 50mm 1.4, which makes a (quite extreme) narrow depth of field.
This will make it quite clear in these examples where the focus is. the 3 photos have been made using the same frame, same exposure, different focus points.
focus 1: This focus brings attention to the first can, with the others blurred out we assume the ones behind are similar.
focus2: Focusing on the middle subject, while blurring the foreground and background really gives importance to the subject, It makes it stand out of the group, could be an interesting technique to isolate something or someone from a crowd or many elements.
Focus 3: This background subject focus makes our eye scan from the blurry foreground and leads us to the back where the subject is in focus. Another interesting effect to keep in mind
I am not sure which one I like most, they could all be used effectively depending on the situation. Focus 1 is fairly common and probably the mostly used. I have a preference for focus 3 because it looks unusual to me. Focus 2 would be interesting to use but maybe not obvious when shooting.
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