Useful Books

The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos

This book from Michael Freeman is essential for TAOP and contains many of the courses examples. It goes in depth with many subjects and concepts contained in the courses. No wonder he's the man behind the TAOP course. This will help you understand topics that aren't so clear in the course and analyse more visual examples.

Perfect Exposure: The Professional Guide to Capturing Perfect Digital Photographs

This other book from Michael freeman will also help, especially for the Colour and light assignments.

Light Science and Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting

This book is a must for the light chapter. It has a scientific approach but makes it easy to understand with detailed step by step instructions and illustrations. If you really want to start getting into light and understand the basics and fundamentals this is probably your best choice.
This is for both beginners and professionals, this will be your light bible!

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